Sunday, August 5, 2012

Not Just Olive Oil - Laleli Olive Oil

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang
serta selawat dan salam kepada Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW
serta ahli keluarganya.

Who is behind Laleli?
Dr Yahya Laleli, founder of Laleli Olive Oil, is a physician and a Muslim who contributes financially to many Muslim organisations, especially those involved in providing and improving education. 

The Founder's Profile
An undisputable lover of olive oil. A medical doctor. A research scientist. An academician. An internationally-renowned expert in nuclear medicine and radiobiology. An education philanthropist. The aforesaid describes in a nutshell the founder of Laleli brand of olive oil, Dr. Yahya R. Laleli.

Dr. Laleli was trained as a medical doctor in Istanbul, Turkey and later specialised in biochemistry, nuclear medicine and radiobiology at John Hopkin's Hospital, Baltimore, USA. There, he taught and researched in nuclear medicine. Apart from lecturing medical students, Dr. Laleli was a consultant for the Istanbul International Hospital and Turkish Ministry of Health.

Dr. Laleli was conferred two professorships in Biochemistry and Nuclear medicine. To date, he has over 50 international publications used by academicians. Dr. Laleli is widely acclaimed as a pioneer expert for his significant contributions to the advancement of Nuclear medicine and Radioimmunoassay studies in Turkey. He is the founder and director of both Duzen Laboratories Group specialising in clinical diagnostic tests, research, control and development and environmental laboratory.

Since retirement from the universities, Dr. Laleli is exceptionally active and fully devoted to the relentless research to produce the best olive oil and pro bono contributions to the society. Dr. Laleli is an active member (anf Founding Member) of many international and Turkish scientific and medical associations involved in clinical research if disease control and preventions. He also sits on the board of Education Foundation aimed at promoting the standard of education in Turkey. - Anonymous.

With a solid reputation as this, and because of his contributions and acts of generosity, it is hoped that the oil produced by Dr. Yahya is more baroqah and therefore is more potent. This is of major importance, to me at least, that the producer or the person behind the source of my remedies and ingredients I use are of good character and possess noble intentions. What more when the entity is highly regarded in terms of it's sanctity. I use olive oil to treat spiritual problems and prescribe it to my patients as a remedy, not merely as a supplement, and Laleli Olive Oil serves this purpose perfectly. 

What is the difference with Laleli Olive Oil?

  • Laleli Olive Oil comes from olives grown in Edremit Bay, a region well-known for producing one of the best olives in the world. 
  • Dr. Yahya grows, processes and bottles olives and it's produce himself. Many brands of olive oil may not be their own , they merely import and re-pack the oil. 
  • Dr. Yahya prefers to use fruits from the early harvest. These fruits contain less oil but a higher antioxidant content. 
  • To keep the antioxidant properties as high as possible, olives are picked early, usually in October or November, because as olives mature, the level of antioxidants decreases. 
  • The fruits are hand-picked; those fallen on the ground are not used as the taste becomes earthy and unpleasant. He scrupulously avoids using any damaged olives that could spoil the taste of superior extra virgin olive oil. The olives are picked at night, while the olives are cool, and then they are processed immediately to avoid fermentation and oxidation from occurring.
  • Olives are processed within 24 hours to minimise oxidation.
  • Cold-pressing is applied at less than 37 degrees Celsius, and to retain maximum flavour, Dr. Yahya doesn't filter his oil. He allows it to gradually settle to the bottom of the storage tanks. The resulting oil is transported by gravity for bottling because pumping can damage the delicacy of the oil. 
  • Extra virgin oils are packed in beautiful dark bottles to reduce oxidation. The cork used on the "Selection" variety is of very good quality and doesn't disintegrate.
  • Products and processes are subject to the highest standards of hygiene, quality control and laboratory analysis, and surpass standards defined by the International Olive Oil Council. Some of his products have bagged more than 13 international awards over the years.
  • The quality of extra virgin olive oil is quantitatively determined by the level of free fatty acids, peroxide and vitamin E in the oil. In the case of olive oil, to be labelled "extra virgin" it cannot contain more than 1% free fatty acids (oleic acid). The highest level of oleic acid in Laleli's product is only 0.7% (Ancient) and Laleli states these levels on their labels, something many if not most of other producers do not do.
  • Laleli extra virgin olive oils have all the characteristics of superior quality oil in terms of colour (greenish), taste (mild bitter, pungent with the distinct taste and smell of the olive fruit) and rich. Many olive oils I've tasted are bland, flat or earthy and doesn't leave any sensation at the throat.
  • Laleli is certified "halal" by the Turkish religious authority.

Sistem An Nisaa
Dr. Aniza Zain Ahmed (MD)(Alt. Med.)

 Seksyen 4 Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya   
016-289 1579 / 013- 62 60 369   

Sistem rawatan lengkap, integratif & Islamik:
Ayat Quran * Terapi Mandian * Bekam Sunnah* Makanan Sunnah *
* Urut Traddsional Melayu *

Pohon di Langit ke Tujuh - Memertabatkan Pokok Bidara Dengan Fakta Saintifik

 Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang
dan selawat serta salam ke atas Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah SAW 
serta ahli keluarganya.

Pohon Bidara (Sidr) diketahui ramai sebagai penawar untuk gangguan dengan kaedah mandian menggunakan daunnya. Ia telah disebut di dalam Surah As-Saba' ayat 16, Surah Al-Waqiah ayat 28 dan seperti juga subjek lain, sekiranya ia mendapat tempat di dalam Al-Quran, sudah tentunya ada banyak rahsia kebaikan disebaliknya. 

Dikatakan juga, apabila Nabi Adam a.s. ketika jatuh ke bumi, buah pertama yang dimakannya ialah buah Bidara atau nabaq dalam bahasa Arab.

Di dalam Surah An Najm, dalam ayat-ayat 13 dan 16 ada disebut tentang Sidratil Muntahatempat di langit tertinggi iaitu langit ke tujuh. Rasulullah SAW telah dibawa ke sini semasa perjalanan Mi'raj dan Baginda telah melihat sendiri pelbagai kebesaran Allah di sana. 

Antaranya terdapat Pohon Bidara yang teramat besar dan  kecantikannya hingga tidak dapat diceritakan. Setiap daunnya sebesar telinga gajah, buahnya sebesar tempayan. Akar-akarnya menjalar ke bawah sehingga ke langit ke enam. Dari batang pokok, air seperti sungai mengalir keluar, dengan rasanya yang sangat nyaman.

Sila ke link ini untuk huraian setiap ayat dan hadith tentang pokok Bidara ini.

Selain daripada hadith-hadith yang disebut di atas, terdapat juga hadith-hadith berikut tentang pokok Bidara yang jelas menunjukkan betapa mulianya pohon ini di sisi Allah swt :

"Sesiapa yang memotong pokok Bidara maka Allah akan rendahkan kepalanya di dalam neraka." (Riwayat Abu Dawud, dinilai sahih oleh al-Albani)


"Hadith ini diriwayatkan secara ringkas. Maksudnya sesiapa yang memotong pokok Bidara di tanah lapang tanpa sebarang sebab dan sia-sia, sedangkan ia menjadi tempat berteduh musafir dan haiwan, maka Allah rendahkan kepalanya di neraka." (Abu Daud sunan Abi Daud, 4/361, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr) 

Sekiranya pokok Bidara ini ditempatkan di tempat yang paling tinggi, suci dan menjadi lambang kehebatan kuasa Allah swt, maka sudah tentunya pokok ini mempunyai nilai-nilai perubatan yang luarbiasa kemujarabannya. 

Daripada kajian-kajian makmal seluruh dunia yang telah dilakukan ke atas setiap bahagian pokok ini, terbukti terdapat terlalu banyak kebaikan dan penawar (medicinal properties) di dalam daun, buah, biji, kulit sehinggalah ke akar pokok ini.  

Terdapat banyak spesis pokok Bidara, dan yang paling dikenali ialah spesis Ziziphus spina-christi dan Ziziphus mauritiana. Nama saintifik ini berasal dari perkataan Arab zizouf. Kajian saya lebih kepada Ziziphus mauritiana kerana ini adalah spesis yang terdapat di Malaysia. 

Ziziphus spina-christy : dikatakan Nabi Isa a.s. telah dipakaikan 
mahkota yang dinamakan Crown of thorns 
yang diperbuat dari lingkaran duri-duri dari pokok ini.

Kandungan (Chemical constituents) - Hasil Kajian dari Jodhpur National University

Antioksidan - flavanoid, phenolic compounds, tannin dan saponin

Alkaloids (termasuk protopine iaitu anti-histamine semulajadi dan analgesic semulajadi), glycosides, triterpenoids, berberine (anti-kulat semulajadi)

Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3 (meningkatkan HDL)


Kalsium, besi, fosfurus

Citric acid, oleic acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, linoleic acid dan lain-lain.  

Sifat-sifat perubatan
  • Enzim-enzim antioksidan mengurangkan atau melawan unsur-unsur yang menyebabkan kerosakan pada hati seperti hepatotoxin (bahan kimia yang merosakkan hati). Hepatotoxin banyak terdapat dalam ubat-ubatan kimia dan alkohol.
  • Berkesan melawan oxidative stress yang menyebabkan sel-sel rosak dan menjadi kanser.
  • Mengandungi aktiviti antimicrobial iaitu tindakbalas yang melawan virus, bakteria dan kulat.
  • Mengandungi aktiviti hyperglycaemic atau antidiabetic (yang mengawal lebihan gula dalam darah) dalam ekstrak daun dan biji.
  • Mengandungi aktiviti immunomodulatory (yang berkesan positif pada sistem imune tubuh).
  • Mengandungi aktiviti antimicrobial (merencat pertumbuhan organisma yang menyebabkan penyakit atau pathogen)
  • Ekstrak bijinya merencatkan ketumbuhan sel HL-60 (sel lukemia).
  • Ekstrak daunnya bertindak ke atas bakteria seperti S. pyogenes dan E. coli
  • Tiada sebarang racun atau contraindication yang diketahui pada mana-mana bahagian pokok ini.
  • Anti radang (Anti-inflammatory) 


  • Salah satu bahan sunnah dalam mandian untuk jenazah (sila lihat hadith di atas).
  • Rawatan mandian untuk masalah gangguan makhluk halus.
  • Mandi haid 
  • Rawatan perubatan untuk beberapa masalah dan penyakit terutamanya hati, perut dan paru-paru.


Daun - penyakit-penyakit hati yang kronik termasuk busung (ascites), hepatitis dan kanser hati, demam, lelah, cirit-birit, luka dan luka yang bernanah, radang dan bengkak, radang tonsil yang kronik, gonorhea, peluh berlebihan, radang mata (conjunctivitis), masalah kitaran haid.

Daun bidara yang dibuat lulur untuk mandian dalam rawatan gangguan.

Buah - masalah paru-paru, demam, masalah hati, masalah penghadaman. 

Biji - loya dan muntah, radang sendi, cirit-birit. 

Bunga - losyen untuk mata .
Kulit - cirit-birit, radang usus (dysentery), radang gusi (gingivitis).

Akar - gout, radang sendi, luka, menurunkan kadar histamin dalam tubuh, sawan.

Wallahua'lam bisowwab. Artikel ini tidak bertujuan untuk menjadi nasihat untuk rawatan sebarang penyakit. Sila berjumpa dengan perawat profesional untuk diagnosis dan rawatan yang sempurna.

Sistem An Nisaa
Dr. Aniza Zain Ahmed (MD)(Alt. Med.)

 Seksyen 4 Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya   
016-289 1579 / 013- 62 60 369   

Sistem rawatan lengkap, integratif & Islamik:
Ayat Quran * Terapi Mandian * Bekam Sunnah* Makanan Sunnah *
* Urut Traddsional Melayu *